How Anime Can Teach You To Be A Great Writer Posted Aug 24, 2022

If you’re a writer and can’t seem to start on the next page of your story, then it’s all for the best to take a productive break and get some inspiration from another source. Anime can be a great source of creativity for writers, and that’s why we’ve compiled reasons why it might help with writing.
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Moving on, here’s the article:
Intriguing And Imaginative Plots
Most anime hails from mangas, a Japanese version of a comic. And most anime have very well-developed, intriguing, and sometimes very creative plots. This is probably one of the reasons why anime has gained popularity over the years, breaking into the shell of the mainstream and becoming ever more present on platforms like Netflix.
Watching an anime can inspire aspiring writers since there is no end to what you can find. There are plenty of stories and genres that are available. Some classics that are popular but can also help with writing inspiration are:
The purpose is to get inspired and to take inspired action, so we hope you don’t end up binge-watching without doing some writing.
Blood, Sweat, And Tears
Many popular animes advocate the plot of the ‘never giving up’ protagonist, which is a very common archetype that can be found even in non-anime shows; however, watch enough of these, and your motivation will probably be through the roof. This is a good thing to have when you want to become a great writer. Indomitable will is always a good thing.
Stories Are A Fuel
Just like movies, animes tell a story, and for the right people, stories are fuel. Stories give the viewer the chance to feel, think, or learn something from the characters or the plot. A writer needs to be able to convey their emotions, thoughts, and experiences into their work, so knowing and loving stories should be fundamental.

The Details
Writers cannot help themselves but look beyond the superficial when it comes to watching stories. They are storytellers themselves, after all. Details on how an idea is developed in an anime’s plot can serve as a great source of inspiration and can teach any writer a valuable lesson, especially if it’s anime that impacted them. They can try to emulate elements that are stuck with them and modify them to their unique version for their own story.
The anime world features a lot of characters, and we mean a lot. There are many awe-inspiring characters, ranging from the bizarre to the ‘common’ hero; watching anime can help with creating characters in your own stories. That’s why writers would benefit from analyzing the characters they see in anime. Perhaps they will find some that might inspire one of their stories someday.
Anime serves many unique characters, so it would be wasteful not to check it out to get some ideas.
World Ideas
Anime, just like movies and many other forms of art, borrow from old folklore, myths, and tales from the past. Frequent watchers will be able to notice this after some time. Art is truly about being inspired. So, for writers having a creative block, this might be the chance to finally break this block.
Ideas for world settings can be daunting at times, but watching a few anime might freshen up your imagination. A good start would be movie classics like:
The worlds in these anime movies are astounding and will provide the brain with enough juice for inspired action.
Genre Ideas
For writers writing a story in a particular genre, it’s best to watch as many excellent movies and anime to get a feel of this genre or just for the sake of improving your own story. There’s no need to copy a story completely; that’s not the point. The point is just to be inspired. Anime offers many titles for many different genres, from more common ones to more niche and abstract genres.
Anime Can Go Deeper Than Western Shows
The Japanese have aced their art of showcasing the depths of a character, from their deep psyches to their apparent desires. Another good reason for writers to watch anime is to master this art as well. There is plenty of anime where the protagonist’s story and their overall character completely grip the viewers. It’s because they do not hold back when it comes to showing this character’s individuality. They seem to understand that human beings are very complex, and characters should portray that. Western animations can be quite superficial in comparison, especially when it comes to character building.
If your goal is to create a truly interesting character, watching some anime that piques your interest might help in the conception of your story’s character. A writer should take notes on the intricacy of a character’s foundation, lest they want the character to be dull. There’s nothing worse than writing a whole story that will fail in the end since it has no substance to it.
Final Thoughts
Anime can be a great source of inspiration to fuel your writing, your ideas, and the overall quality of your writing. It’s not as if all anime is good, but there are truly must-watch shows out there that can perhaps break a streak of creative block. We hope this article has helped our readers and our aspiring writers.