Interesting Anime Podcasts You May Never Heard About Posted Sep 18, 2021
Anime has become a separate subculture that attracts followers worldwide. It is interesting and engaging. It has many forms to offer beyond straight anime, such as manga comics, videogames, and now even podcasts.
If you don’t have the time to seek out and find interesting anime podcasts yourself, we can help you with that. Below is an amazing list of options for your consideration. And if you don't even have time to listen to these interesting recordings, audio to text transcription can help by getting the audio transcribed so you can read it within minutes instead of listening to it for hours. While you are thinking about this option, we are going to present you with a list of podcasts we'd recommend you check out.
H2 Anime Addicts Anonymous
This podcast was established in 2009, and now lots of interesting and engaging things are accumulated here. There are 500+ recordings available there. What exactly do you expect to see here? These are anime news and reviews, shows, cover manga, etc. You may find here not only anime materials but also different recordings from anime conventions, including those nominated to the award “Podcast of the Year”. Sounds good, isn’t it?
What is a pleasant thing here is that this channel arranges tours to Japan each year to get first-hand experience. It is possible to get acquainted with people all over the world who are also fond of anime, enjoy the best attractions and parks, and also visit real anime-dedicated locations.
Canuck Otaku
This amazing podcast originated from Canada. It is aimed at covering nearly all topics related to the Japanese anime culture: food, music, manga, anime, video games, and even drinks. It is possible to review here the latest versions of anime depending on the genre and types. This podcast is updated once per month. You may find a lot here for tackling any possible stereotypes.
The /r/Anime Podcast
Have you ever heard about the Tokyo Podfathers? An amazing /r/anime community originates from there. This podcast was produced and is supported further with the help of anime enthusiasts who enjoy this culture and share with all interested users lots of things to discover about this culture.
What can you find here? There are lots of interviews and discussions from different recognized personalities of the industry, anime coverage samples, hentai, video games, topics, and even food debates. Here there are lots of good anime talks on different anime topics. This podcast is introducing amazing content to listen to while you are going to your work, school, or any other place. If you like to read materials instead of listening to them, don't refuse from such for the reason of simply not having enough time. Audio transcription services can easily help with that.
Geekoning Podcast
This anime-related resource was created in Greece. It is dedicated not only to anime, in fact. All interested people may find here info about video games, fandoms, shenanigans, etc. If you follow this podcast, you may find out more about the All Ages of Geek weekly, get lots of virtual adventures and useful information. Nearly all things related to geek culture can be easily detected here. Finding out about anime-related life in Japan is also possible here in a couple of clicks.
H2 Trash Taste
This podcast was extremely successful as they gained 1 mln YouTube views thanks to three anime-related videos only. It seems to be interesting content, doesn't it? At the moment, this podcast is mostly about the exploration of otaku and anime, and also it is about manga. Many interesting people are invited to have talks about anime and its culture.
Baka! Baka! Baka!
This podcast was established in 2016 and now has collected lots of interesting materials related to the anime industry. It is updated weekly. It has a “book-club” format. That is a bit unusual, taking into account the major topic of this podcast. But, it can appear to be custom to those people who are fond of reading books. If you are among such people and prefer reading to listening, transcription services may help you with that. In general, the essence of this podcast is choosing a specific anime-related topic and discussing each episode with experts.
Suuuper Anime Podcast
This resource is comparatively new as it was created in 2020 only. Now, it combines different recordings related to the anime industry. It is aimed at informing, inspiring, and entertaining its audience. Here it is possible to find not only the basic information about anime but also discussions and overviews on this matter. The podcast is updated weekly, and the length of recordings is 59 seconds on average. Hope you will feel the spirit of anime culture and get fresh ideas about it here. This podcast is designed to justify its name – to make you feel SUUUPER about anime culture.
A Lil Bit o Anime
This anime podcast may be suitable thanks to the manner of narration both to people who have been fond of anime for a long time as well as to those who are new in this industry. Here you may get casual and fresh news, and reviews about anime, video games, and many other things related to this culture. 1 episode is added here each week.
Final Words
Exploring anime culture if you are looking for something more than pictures only is better while listening to interviews and talks from people who feel this culture and can share their personal experiences. Such recordings may be easily found somewhere in all podcasts we have listed above.
Entrust transcription job to professional transcriptionists or simply use automated transcription software if you don't have time to listen to all of those. Convert audio to text and enjoy reading the content you find interesting within a couple of minutes instead of a couple of hours. Spend less – both in terms of time and money. Follow this advice and find out more about anime culture from amazing podcasts.