Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

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Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by webmaster »

The following are basic rules for the Absolute Anime forum. Failure to comply with these rules may result in banishment, which I really hate doing, but will if it becomes necessary.

:!: Rules apply everywhere
All rules and guidelines for posting should also be considered to apply to chat and private messages. If you notice any rule violations, consider it your duty to report them. And let me state right now that sexually related private messages are NOT allowed! (Also note that I have access to all private messages.)

:evil: Do not insult
Do not fling insults (and that includes name-calling) or make threats. Disrespectful or threatening posts are not allowed. If you are angry or upset, and feel like lashing out, just leave. These forums should be a fun place to visit!

[-( Do not argue
Do not start or get drawn into an argument. Debates are fine, as you are free to disagree with people's opinions, but when your posts lose meaning or start resorting to insults, it's time to stop.

:-k Do not advertise
Do not sign up for the sole purpose of advertising or soliciting. Advertising and other forms of solicitations will be allowed in small quantities once you have shown yourself to be an active member of the forum.

:^o Do not mislead
Do not falsely imply or attempt to pass yourself off as an administrator, moderator, or other person of authority at this site if you are not one. This includes using misleading avatars, placing deceitful text in your signature, and registering with fallacious usernames. Do not misquote posts to make it seem like a person said something that they did not.

:-# Do not reveal personal information
Do not give out personal information, such as your phone number or address, and do not ask others to do so either. Never, never, never! Not in posts, and not in private messages, and not in e-mail! There are so many sneaky and underhanded people out there that will say whatever they can to trick you into giving out this information. Stay safe, and just DON'T DO IT!! If you are caught asking someone for their personal information, you may be banned! (As webmaster, I do have the ability to look through your private messages!)

[-X Do not swear
Posts with swearing, sexually explicit content, and other "adult only" topics are strictly limited to the Adult Forums. Posting this material anywhere else may result in banishment. The automatic word censoring does not give you permission to swear! Additionally, any intentional circumvention of the automatic word censoring for the purposes of swearing will result in immediate banishment without warning.

:-$ Do not threaten
Do not make threats. Do not threaten to harm, to spam, to hack, to defame, or anything else. I consider making threats almost as serious as carrying them out.

:club: Do not bogart
Do not make a thread and claim absolute control over it. Although you can create topics, you do not own them. They belong to the board, so you cannot prevent people from posting and you cannot force a moderator to lock or delete it.

=D> Moderators
Moderators are here to help you with problems, as well as to help enforce the rules. If a moderator gives you a warning about your conduct, you should take it seriously, but don't get upset about it. They're simply trying to do their job, which isn't as easy as you might think. If you feel a moderator has been unjust, you could contact me, though contacting another moderator would probably be quicker.
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Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by webmaster »

The following guidelines, which should be common sense, were written up by Dark Lily and Who Wants to Know?, and should help you to stay liked on the forums.

Employ good netiquette
A good board message is like a good e-mail--which is in turn like a good letter. The more proper the tone of writing, the more respectable you appear. Even simple, casual replies will look better if you stick to the rules. And moderators do not find putting out the fires of flame wars fun--there will usually be consequences.

Good grammar is always a plus
But at the same time, forgive anyone who would have difficulty with this, such as foreign board members whose grip on English grammar may be incomplete.

Preview before you post
Sometimes, you may type something that doesn't come out exactly right. The Preview gives you a chance to see how it would look before posting. I've always used it first and found it saved my face more than once. If you feel you can't trust your typing or spelling, try the spell checker.

Watch out for profanity
The occasional "damn" or "hell" may be overlooked. More graphic and vulgar language will not be tolerated in any of the forums, even the ones for adults only.

Don't spam
Pointless, annoying or off topic posts will not win you friends. You my find your messages moved, nuked and/ or your account locked.

Post in the correct forum
- Think before you submit. Make sure your topic in the most logical and effective place. Example: If you are asking about song lyrics, don't post in Any Specific Anime. (It's been done) Post it in Music Discussion.

- If you have something to say about RahXephon, for example, look to see if there is a forum dedicated to it. There isn't. Therefore you post it in Any Specific Anime and not in Anime Discussion.

- "My Little Brother Stuck A Bean Up His Nose" goes in Pointless Chit-Chat.

Don't start a redundant thread
Read through at least the first two pages of a forum and make sure there the topic does not already exist. We really don't need another "Who Do You Think Is Hot" thread anywhere.

Don't give away the ending!!!
Don't screw up a story for someone who hasn't seen it yet. Do not come out and say "So-and-so died" or "Joe Greentooth ended up with the girl," or anything else crucial to the plot. Use "Spoiler" warnings and the spoiler black out feature.

Show respect
Respect other's likes even if they don't suit your own. Stating "That anime sucks," is not valid criticism. You certainly can say you don't like a particular anime but there is no need insult all the people who do. If you don't like something state reasonably why.

Report jerks
Don't hesitate to PM a moderator or two or three when you see someone messing things up. We are all on at different times so one of us is bound to take care of it.

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Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by webmaster »

Moderator Guidelines
Here are some guidelines for effective moderating. Although these are all directed to forum moderators, I am posting them here so that everyone can get an better understanding of moderating.

Report Your Actions
Before taking any action on a thread or post, a moderator should first post a reply explaining why they are taking the action. This is for the benefit of the original author, the general forum members, the moderators, and myself. You can be sure that at least one of us will want to know why you took the action that you did.

Moving Threads
Moderators should move threads that were created in forums unrelated to the thread's topic. This is not always easy, as often a thread can fit into multiple categories, thus moderators will need to use their best judgement. A thread that discusses the forum in which it was posted belongs where it is. For example, a post in the sports forum which discusses the sports forum may remain the sports forum, even though the post is not discussing actual sports content.

Deleting Threads
Only administrators can permanently delete threads and posts, though moderators can mark for deletion and move to the Trash Bin forum. Before taking such action, make sure there is a good reason. For instance, if there was a double-post or if a thread was completely inappropriate. Sometimes only a portion of a post is inappropriate, and thus can just be edited rather than removing the entire thing.

Editing Posts
If a moderator needs to edit a post that contains inappropriate content, the edits should be marked so that others will know who edited the post and why. As an example, I usually say something like [Edited by webmaster for inappropriate content].

Inappropriate Content
Threads with excessive swearing, heated arguments, advertising, solicitations, and other disrespectful content is what I consider to be inappropriate. These should be locked. Some advertising will be allowed for those members who have shown themselves to be active members of the forums. Threads that are not disrespectful but still happen to contain excessive swearing or sexually explicit content should be moved to one of the adult forums.

Sometimes people make threads that seem designed to start heated arguments, such as someone stating that they hate a certain anime. In a case like this, the person needs to give reasons why they feel that way. If they don't, then a moderator can lock it.

Banning & Suspending Users
Only administrators, not moderators, can ban users. Therefore, moderators should not threaten to ban users. Instead, moderators should inform the user that a request for suspension will be made.

Requests For Locking Threads
A moderator is under no obligation to lock or remove a thread so long as there are no rules being violated, even if asked to do so by the person who started the thread. Threads created in the Moderator Applications forum are an exception to this. If a moderator does decide to lock the topic based on the author's request, then the moderator should make a post stating the reason prior to actually locking the thread.
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Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by webmaster »

Chat Rules & Etiquette
Although the rules and guidelines listed for the forum do also apply to the chatroom, Mai felt that some additional specification would helpful when referring to chatroom rules and etiquette, and so here they are....

](*,) Censorship
This has become a big problem for the chat. I understand that when you say a cuss word it comes out as "!@%#&" or something alike, but that doesn't mean it's alright. Just because a word IS censored, doesn't mean you are allowed to cuss.

Another thing about this censorship, that I've come to realize..Is users tend to just normally type "!@%#&" or something alike, and it is confusing for us Moderators. How are we supposed to know if you are or are not cussing? We don't want to issue a ban when you may have not been cussing.

ALSO, you may have realized that trying to get around the censorship results in an auto-ban when in the forums, right? Well, if this is attempted in the chat room I feel it's necessary that the same punishment is taken.

[-( Spam
As in the forums, spamming is not allowed in the chat. I've noticed that a lot of users DO spam in the chat.

An example of spamming in the chat is as follows:

[Stella] 8:55 pm: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Stella] 8:55 pm: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Stella] 8:55 pm: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Stella] 8:56 pm: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Stella] 8:56 pm: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Stella] 8:56 pm: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The reason we are hard pressed on this is that it DOES lag the Chat. Making it difficult to talk in the chat. It being a chat, you are supposed to be able to interact. Let alone, it's deathly annoying.

:-# Personal Information and Keeping Safe
Do not give out personal information, such as your phone number or address, and do not ask others to do so either. Never, never, never! Not in posts, and not in private messages, and not in e-mail! There are so many sneaky and underhanded people out there that will say whatever they can to trick you into giving out this information. Stay safe, and just DON'T DO IT!! If you are caught asking someone for their personal information, you may be banned! (As webmaster, I do have the ability to look through your private messages!)

- Webmaster

=; Attitude
There's a time to joke around and there's a time to be serious. If you feel threatened by another user tell a Moderator. We'll help solve it.

We don't tolerate bad attitudes and disrespect to other users. If you are disrespectful remind yourself that how you treat others..Others will treat you the way you treat them!

It's alright to have a debate or an in depth conversation but when it gets out of hand and insults become a part of it, end it.

:-k Moderation
As Moderators, we are responsible for what happens in the chat room. Maybe we can't stop everyone from breaking the rules, but we can help enforce them. Like with the Forum, the chat room is run the same way. Set out warnings, and after three issue a ban. If users get out of hand then talk to another Moderator with more experience who may be able to handle the situation better.

ALSO, Moderators are just like you all. We like anime and like to discuss about anime. We came here, to AA for the sole purpose of talking about a shared interest and getting to interact. BUT, we have a duty to up hold and it isn't as easy as you all may think. We try to be nice but once our kindness is abused we have to put our feet down. If you think a moderator is abusing their rights then say so! You have a VOICE and you WILL be heard. Original member or not, you do have the right to express what you think.

=; Respect
Respect is a reasonable option that all moderators seek from users. Give respect and you will receive all the respect that can be offered. It is unacceptable. Learning to hold your word and stop flipping a lid will help curve and make this place a fun environment for all users.

:bounce: Report
If you see something happening in the chat room that you KNOW is not allowed then, please, tell a moderator. *Nods* It's not your responsibility to take it into your own hands but it is much appreciated. Along with having fun on AA, we like to have some sort of structure and order. It's one of the many keys that keeps a Forum well kept and a community where all can interact. If you do report a user, we'll talk to the other user. Names of reporters will be blacked out, obviously. Like I said before, if you feel uncomfortable then say so!
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Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by webmaster »

Suggestions Welcomed
Please feel free to post additional suggestions for users, moderators, and administrators, but also please do not reply to this thread unless you actually do have a question or suggestion. This way we can prevent it from filling up with a bunch of posts that don't make any actual contributions.
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by josh »

A tip to avoid being bullied -

If your fat pretend your not and try to refrain from posting pictures of yourself, as this will lead to the sites local bullies teasing you. If you see bullying do your best to report it as its unlikely anything will be done about it if the moderators and webmaster aren't aware.
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by The Evil Russell Crowe »

and by site bullies you mean madrox I assume?
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by josh »

and zabowski
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by Bovinagina »

What does reporting fat anything do? I know it gives a warning but when you send it to a regular mod they don't do anything most of the time. If I want something delt with to the full authority I go straight to you for your opinion. I love the mods dearly they do help out a lot but when someone just doesn't stop I find you're the only person I can really turn to. Does that mean that some mod's are getting to that state where they are on one side more than in the middle?
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by Mai »

Well, they can PM a user all they want and edit posts. But over that: they really have no authority. Unless a thread is destroyed by inappropriate posts then it would be deleted. But I do see your point. In some threads in the past I did noticed how some actions about the "fat" jokes have gone unnoticed. Not really condoned, but not given much care. And that's not right. They should be dealt with rather than waved off. Thats where most problems stem from. You don't realize how a small insult can turn into a huge charade.
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by Bovinagina »

yes. agreed. Thank you Mai.

And insults shouldn't be tollerated.

I've told several people several times to try and calm down on the sarcasm and what not because I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or if they really mean it. It's the internet and I can't tell over the internet....

What do I do for that?
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by Gaming Goddess »

My goodness! This isn't school! You shouldn't run to a teacher just because someone called you a name!

You LEARN to recognize it over the internet, it's not all that hard.
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by josh :) »

New Rule: Don't bully Aiden. She's no exception to the no bully rule. She has feelings too, stop being mean :(
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by Bovinagina »

Thank you Jesus...but now I can't tell if you're being nice or being Sarcastic.

And GG Cyber Bulling is all over the internet but you see it shouldn't be accepted in any case.

Anyone and everyone should be reported for name calling and insults. Even myself.
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by Gaming Goddess »

I fail to see how you should be affected by cyber bullying by people you don't KNOW. People are way to sensitive. This site used to be fine! We were all happy making fun of one another because we knew it wasn't serious. Now all of the sudden everyone's getting yellow cards for incredibly stupid reasons.
I'd leave this site because of it, but it wouldn't be fair to deprive everyone of my awesome.

Hey Aiden, does editing pictures count as insulting? :D
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Re: Required Reading: Forum Rules & Guidelines

Post by rezax123 »

can i request or upload anime series in this forums?? i m a new user so i wanna know. plz give me the answer by PM. if u have no prob with that