Please, i need a german translator

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Please, i need a german translator

Post by PazDeBarco »


I've downloaded 9/10 caps of the Manga "PERSONA 4" into German, actually I only can find it in English, I'd like to read it in German, because I use it to practice my foreign languages.

The only translator in the world is but he stopped it, and no one else has translated the 10th chapter.

If I bring the chapter, would someone translate it into German? I've printed the chapters to keep it as a souvenir, but it will be incomplete until someone translate the last one.

Pleaseee... Do it =( Only one chapter remains, I'd do it by myself if my German were fluent enough.
I've commented.

Post by I've commented. »

[SUGGESTIONS/IDEAS] You could try a translation dictionary, or a translation program such as Rosetta Stone. Or perhaps you could find a language teacher to teach you the desired language. Your idea of finding a German translater could work too.