Shenron in japanish

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Shenron in japanish

Post by Xeron-500 »

Hi to all

I'm searching for the kanji writing of "Shenron", the dragon from "Dragon Ball".

I've seen it writen also as "Shieron", wich is more possible, because the silab "she" is not writable in japanish.

If anyone can tell me where to find the kanji, i'll be very thankfull...

Post by LittleMissLooney »

Well, it's J-A-P-A-N-E-S-E (Japanese), first of all, which may explain your difficulties. Also, you can try and type "Where can i find Shenron/Shieron in Japanese/Kanji?" (Select either Shenron Shieron and Japanese or Kanji.)

And just to tell you— In Japanese, "e" is pronounced as "eh" and the "i" is pronounced as "ee". Just to help you out. But remember, it's not ALWAYS the case, for instance, you wouldn't pronounce Inuyasha as Eenuyasha. Heh.

Post by Xeron-500 »

I'm sorry for my bad english, but that was not the problem because i was not using the word "japanese" to search, always the word "kanji".

I know also a little japanese, ant that's why i know that "she-n-ro-n" is not writable in kanas, but is the most used translation of the name in english. In catalan is translated as "Xeron".

askjeeves is like google, and i didn't find the kanji i want i no one of both.

Anyone else can really help? Anyone has a japanese edition of the manga and can look at it? It's as easy as that...

Thanks again to all

Post by LittleMissLooney »

Sorry I could not help, I found my name (Rizu) in all types of Japanese characters, so I thought it would help. ::Bows:: Sorry for the confusion. I hope you can find what you seek. And it's quite alright for the bad English, aleast you had proper grammer and such! None of that "4ever; 533?". That's always hard to read!

Ja mata.