(naruto fic) The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

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Mobile Suit Otaku
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(naruto fic) The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

Post by Atomosk »

this is a fic i'm posting on fanfiction.net
i need beta readers, so you get it early!

The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

A ship landed in one of the ports in the fire country. As sailors worked to unload supplies, a solitary figure, clad in a bright red outfit with an obscuring wide hat, flowing cape, and feature-hiding mask, slowly walked down the gangplank. It’s been about three years, the burgundy fellow thought as he walked down the street. I’m coming, Kakashi…
5 days later, in Konohagakure village, Kakashi had just finished a training session with Naruto and Sakura. Naruto and Sakura were out of breath, but Kakashi seemed positively chipper. “Don’t tell me you guys are already tired. It’s only noon!”
“You’re too much for us, Kakashi-sensei.”
Kakashi was about to berate the duo for their lack of motivation, but his words were cut short by a kunai that zipped past his head, close enough to cut a few hairs. Kakashi’s guard was immediately up and switched the book (we all know which one ^_^) he was rustling for with a shuriken. “Naruto, Sakura! Watch your backs!” There was no need for them to watch their backs, however, as a red flash hurled itself at Kakashi. Immediately a taijutsu battle between the masked ninjas erupted. Kakashi dodged and countered perfectly, but was having trouble keeping up with the opponent’s speed. The fluidity of his attacks was amazing; he calculated the trajectories of Kakashi's attacks and moved just far enough to dodge it, making his combat style seem like a dance. After a few minutes of close-quarters combat, Kakashi found an opening and lifted his hitai-ate leaf band, bringing his Sharingan into the battle. It was of limited use, however, as his opponent’s style was so in your face, the Sharingan couldn’t reveal much about his actions.
Naruto and Sakura were doing their best to keep up with the fight, but they were fighting at such high speeds that it was almost impossible. We’re in trouble if Kakashi can’t beat this guy, Sakura thought. We’re too far out of the village to be able to get help. With his speed, he’d mow us down with little effort. Fortunately, the crimson flash was focused on Kakashi for the time being. Sakura considered running for backup, but then the battle hit a stalemate, with both men blocking each other’s hand-held kunais. Naruto and Sakura could both get a good look at the man who could keep Kakashi on his toes. He was a rather tall individual, with a subtle but noticeable set of muscles that pushed against his bright red suit. He wore a large hat with a white feather stuck through it. Like Kakashi, he wore a red mask that hung over his nose. What the group noticed most, however, was his long, silvery hair. It’s like Kakashi-sensei’s, Naruto thought. Kakashi also noticed the hair. And his eyes (well, his one real eye) grew wide. “No, you, can it really be?”
The character, though it couldn’t be seen, was grinning from ear to ear. “You finally have to use your Sharingan against me. It’s been a while, Kakashi-niisan*.”
“Is it really you, Atomosk?”
*Niisan- big brother or an older male figure you hold in high regard

opinions, please! if you are going to flame, go ahead, but at least be mature about it
God gave man a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to use one at a time
i heart hinata-chan!
Mobile Suit Otaku
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re: (naruto fic) The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

Post by Atomosk »

no reviews yet. :( not even a view :( :(
maybe adding chapters will help...
Chapter 2- Secret’s revealed. A long-lost Hatake?

“Is it really you, Atomosk?”
Kakashi dropped the kunai in his hand. And his knees began to shake. For half a minute, there was total silence, save for the birds chirping in the distance. Then the misty-eyed Kakashi reached out to the red-clad individual and gave a strong embrace. “It is you!”
Naruto and Sakura were at a lost for words. So was the man currently in the death grip of the Copy Ninja. “Did you really miss me that much? It’s only been what? Three, four years? I didn’t know you cared that much.”

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH???!!!!! You’re Kakashi-sensei’s cousin?!”
“That’s right.” The group was sitting on a roof of one of the many buildings in Konohagakure. The man named Atomosk sat against a wall, his hat blocking his eyes from the afternoon sun. “Hatake Atomosk is my younger cousin,” explained Kakashi. “He’s been missing since before you graduated, Naruto.” Though it couldn’t be seen due to the large hat, Atomosk rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t missing, Kakashi-niisan. I was exploring.”
Kakashi was unrelenting. “But where did you go? We even checked with other villages to investigate your whereabouts, but you were nowhere to be found.”
Atomosk started chuckling. “That’s because you were looking in the wrong places. I went to a land from which no ninja has ever returned.”
Naruto couldn’t think of anyplace that fit that description, except…”The women’s hot spring?”
Naruto felt a sledgehammer strike across his skull and knock him face first onto the ground. Actually it wasn’t a sledgehammer; it was inner Sakura’s fist. “Naruto, you baka!”
More laughs from the crimson ninja. “Wouldn’t have been a bad idea, really. But I digress. I sailed to the lands far to the West, across the great ocean.” This brought severely shocked reactions from Kakashi and Sakura, but not Naruto, as he was unconscious on the ground, with a lump on his head the size of a ramen bowl.
Still surprised by the news that his cousin was alive, finding out why he was MIA* for the last few years almost put Kakashi into a state of shock. “You crossed the great ocean and returned alive?”
“Yep! And sane, too. Well, as sane as I was when I left.”
Kakashi had to sit down. All of these sudden events were too much for him. Sakura knew little about the great ocean and what lay beyond it, but she knew that nobody had ever returned in a healthy state of mind. Only three people had returned from such a voyage, and all three of them didn’t last a month upon returning. One was comatose and couldn’t be revived. The other two had severe malnutrition and couldn’t speak. They died soon after. The fact that Atomosk had gone there and had come back with no apparent problems did not compute. “How did you do it?”
Atomosk scratched his nose nonchalantly. “Not sure, really. The West isn’t that bad. It's not like it’s hell or whatever stories have been fabricated. I just got lucky and had no storms coming and going.”
Sakura couldn’t resist raising an eyebrow. “You mean to tell me it was just luck?”
“Seems like it. I’ve always had good fortune like that. Was never good at slots though. Still better than Tsunade-sama.”
Kakashi sighed. “I guess that’s that, then.” His calm demeanor had returned; instead of doting too much on his cousin’s travels, he decided to just let it go and be glad Atomosk was okay. “So where is your stuff? Don’t tell me you lost it all.”
“Nah, I dropped it all off at my old apartment. Glad to see you’ve found a new place to stash your dirty books, Kakashi-aniki.”
Kakashi took a deep gulp, and then spoke. “H-have you r-r-read them?”
“No, but I was planning on taking a look later. Come to think of it, I may as well go home and start unpacking…”
Kakashi was up in an instant. “No-need-I’ll-go-get-my-junk-out-of-your room-so-you-can-unpack-gotta-go-bye!” And he was gone in a flash.
Atomosk watched his closest relative return to the scene of the crime. “Sakaru?”
“Sakura. Haruno Sakura.”
“Right, sorry. Don’t tell him this, but I actually did take a look at his more secret collection.”
Though she knew she would regret it, Sakura couldn’t help but ask. “What’s in those secret books of his?”
“Don’t ask; you’d be better off not knowing. All I’ll say is this: it makes his Makeout Paradise books look like Canterbury Tales.**”
“What’s Canterbury Tales?”
“Nevermind.” Opting to take his advice, Sakura instead pressed Atomosk for stories about the west. Five minutes later, Kakashi returned, sweating like a hooker in church.

The group seemed to have completely forgotten Naruto, who was on the ground, still disoriented, slightly bleeding, and in a load of pain. In his mind, he could hear Kyuubi laughing his demonic ass off. HAH! What a joke. Couldn’t even take one punch from that girl. Aren’t you trying to impress her or something? You’re doing a p*ss-poor job of it! Shut it, damn fox. I’m trying to come to here, do ya mind?

“Naruto-kun! Naruto-kun!”
“Forget it, Hinata, he’s out cold. He must’ve said something really stupid to make Sakura-chan hit him this hard. Look at that lump. It's bigger than Akamaru!”
Naruto heard voices in his head. Fox, I thought I told you to shut it! Bite me, kid. I ain’t saying anything. I think your chums are trying to get your attention. Why don’t you open your damn eyes? Naruto did, and though his vision was blurry at first, three figures slowly came into focus. One had blue hair and snow-white eyes. The other on her left had a furry jacket with a puppy on his head. The tall boy to her right showed no emotion at all, obscured as he was by a tall gray overcoat and sunglasses. Team 8, huh? What are Hinata-chan, Kiba-kun, and Shino-kun doing on the roof? Naruto began to get a better awareness of his surroundings. They weren’t on the roof, HE was on the ground. Then it all came back to him. He jumped up, then immediately fell back into Hinata’s arms as a large wave of pain came over him. “Owowowowowow!” cried Naruto painfully. “Thanks for the catch, Hinata-chan.”
Hinata was blushing too hard to look at Naruto. “I-i-i-it’s no problem, Naruto-kun.”
Having gained enough strength to walk Naruto started bumbling away. “I need an ice pack.”
Kiba laughed. “My house isn’t too far from here. We’ll get some ice there.”
And so team 8 left with Naruto in tow, along with his Akamaru-sized lump.
Sakura took that as her cue to also be leaving. “I guess it’s time I headed home. Talk later, Atomosk. Bye, Kakashi-sensei!”
Atomosk watched as she rounded the corner and disappeared. He hadn’t said anything since team 8 had showed up. “Kakashi, who was that magnificent beauty?”
Kakashi had never heard his cousin refer to a woman like that, and Atomosk’s statement threw him off. “You mean Sakura?”
“No, the one with the purple hair and pure-white eyes. White as an angel.”
Weirder vernacular*** from the Hatake in red. “That would be Hyuuga Hinata.”
This caught Atomosk's attention. “A Hyuuga, huh? All the better.” He rose from his reclined position. You’ve got a good group, Kakashi. But aren’t there supposed to be three to a group? That beautiful Hinata had two teammates.”
Kakashi averted his gaze, and a wave of sadness washed over his face. “There have been… unfortunate events…”
Atomosk's shoulders fell. “Oh. I’m sorry for your loss.”
“He’s not dead. He’s missing in action. It’s a long story. We can discuss it at Ichiraku.”
That served to cheer Atomosk's mood. “Sweet! I’ve been craving ramen for a long time!”

*MIA- missing in action. It’s a military term used to describe missing soldiers whose fates are uncertain
**Canterbury tales- an uncompleted series of tales written after 1387 by Geoffrey Chaucer. The joke is that Atomosk, who went to the western lands, knows about these books, but no one in the East would. He’ll make other such references as the story progresses
***vernacular- manner of speaking

And so it begins…
What do you think of Atomosk so far? He’s gonna be a dynamic character, just you wait! Next chapter’s gonna be a doozy, I can tell you that right now. Seven whole pages, man! Unfortunately for the impatient among us, it’s dialogue and establishing character relationships. Atomosk meets the Genin, and we see what he thinks of them. Upon chapter 4, the action starts. I ask that you hang with me. I promise to deliver good fights. There’ll be violence aplenty. There’ll be romance aplenty. There’ll even be romantic violence (O_o okay, maybe not). More to come in the next chapter!
God gave man a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to use one at a time
i heart hinata-chan!
Gay = Sasuke Uchiha

re: (naruto fic) The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

Post by Gay = Sasuke Uchiha »

Wow its really long.. i like it :mrgreen:
Mobile Suit Otaku
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re: (naruto fic) The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

Post by Atomosk »

well, i'm gald at least one person likes it. one person's aknowledgement is at least impetus enough to continue. unfortunately, it's kind of a pain to post my story here, especially with having to manually reset and the bolds, italics, etc. so, i'm leaving the links to the story on fanfiction.net. if that doesn't work, just go there yourself. my name is lord atomosk, i have two fics there, one of which is brand new. they are both naruto, both action/adventure. it's easy enough to navigate if you're interested. if not, at least check out the site in general. it's fantastic.

The Blazing Leaf of Konhagakure

Shinobi XIII

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God gave man a brain and a penis, but only enough blood to use one at a time
i heart hinata-chan!
Gay = Sasuke Uchiha

re: (naruto fic) The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

Post by Gay = Sasuke Uchiha »

Oh ok I'll read it there :mrgreen:
Gay = Sasuke Uchiha

re: (naruto fic) The Blazing Leaf of Konohagakure

Post by Gay = Sasuke Uchiha »

:mrgreen: =D> :mrgreen: Their great I Love them :mrgreen: =D> :mrgreen: