I have some questions about episode 8 that i am confused on

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I have some questions about episode 8 that i am confused on

Post by zorgblar »

Why did the three people in this episode want to kill themselfs?And were they really ghosts at the end or was that just in their heads and they just thought they were ghosts?And why did littel slugger run away from them instead of hiting them with his bat?Is it because that wasn't the real littel slugger? :?

Re: I have some questions about episode 8 that i am confused on

Post by ralbgroz »

i think they were trying to kill themselves because all of their births were the result of a ripped happy family planning brand condom, they were all mistakes. that was the implication i got im not sure though. also lil slugger ran away because he kind of got spooked by their overzealous response to him, he went to hit them but then they yelled and wanted to meet him and it was weird, it wasnt what he expected and he'd never experienced it before so he bolted. it was kinda funny? also maybe that guy was that guy Fox.
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Sasami Jurai
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Re: I have some questions about episode 8 that i am confused on

Post by Sasami Jurai »

lmao XD I loved that episode! Like.. A LOT!! I remember when that guy jumped in front of the train.. xD Hahaha!!!!!
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