Watch New Dragonball OVA For Free!

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Joined: Aug 13, 2006 12:17am

Watch New Dragonball OVA For Free!

Post by Dreams »

...There's no thread for this? Really?

Anyway, there's a new anime OVA up that you can watch for FREE on the official Shounen Jump website.
It's being broadcast for FREE, legally, through the end of January 2009.

All you have to do is download their SJ browser (where it says "download browser" on the bottom).
And then once you have it installed, come back to the DB page and click on "watch this anime".
It'll pop up in the new browser, and enjoy!

(And hopefully you have a faster internet connection than me, because I can't even watch it due to the skipping and lagging! lmao. And I have DSL... to think that DSL can't keep up now...)
Пуля в сердце, мозг на дверцу...
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~Romans 6:23