(sorry for my bad german-english)
I tried to install your BBCode Spoiler, but no text will hidden.
On my side runs phpbb 3.0.8 with vista-Template (
The head from the stylesheet.css shows:
/* phpBB 3.0 Style Sheet
Style name: Vista
Based on style: subSilver (the default phpBB 2 style)
Original author: subBlue (
http://www.subBlue.com/ )
Modified by: psoTFX and the phpBB team (
http://www.phpbb.com )
This is an alternative style for phpBB3 for those wishing to stay with
the familiar subSilver style of phpBB version 2.x
Copyright 2006 phpBB Group (
http://www.phpbb.com/ )
I hope, you can help me to install successful your Prime BBCode Spoiler in my board.
Best regards ... truecolor