PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: D 1–40 of 93
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Dance Dance Revolution X2 | America | [Mode 3] Installed via computer, freezes often in Dice Master Mode
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX | America | Compatible
Dead to Rights 2 | America | Compatibility Unknown v3.8c Incompatible: Does not install from retail disc using the PS2, but works fine when doing PC install (with no compatibility modes turned on).
Destruction Derby Arenas | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition | America | Compatible
Digimon Rumble Arena 2 | America | Compatible
Digimon World 4 | America | Compatibility Unknown v0.8b Compatible
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories | America | Compatible
Disney Golf | America | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Compatible
Dokapon Kingdom | America | Compatible
Downhill Domination | America | Incompatible
v0.8c: [Mode 3] One report of no problems after enabling mode 3, one report of not loading past the loading screen
OPL 0.9 Compatible
Dr. Muto | America | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Compatible
OPL 0.9 Compatible: tested on 0.94
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai | America | Compatible
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 | America | Compatible
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 | America | Two people say it works, one person says it does not
v0.8b Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 3]
Dropship: United Peace Force | America | Compatible
Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee, The | America | Compatible
Dynasty Tactics | America | Compatible
Dynasty Tactics 2 | America | Compatible
Dynasty Warriors 4 Xreme Legends | America | Compatible
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires | America | Reported problems with Vs. mode, 2P cannot select character
Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires | America | Compatible
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 | America | Incompatible: Black screen, doesn’t load, same as Gundam Musou 1.
Dysgea 2 | America | Compatible
Dark Cloud 2 [Demo] | America | 0.5 GB | Compatibility Unknown v3.8c Compatible
Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse | America | 0.512 GB | Incompatible: Fails to install. Works if installed via PC.
Driving Emotion Type-S | America | 0.564 GB | Works fine with some reports of not being able to install
Dynasty Warriors 2 | America | 0.64 GB | Compatible
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 | America | 0.644 GB | Compatible
Dragon Rage | America | 0.65 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Incompatible: broke screen on startup
Toxic 1.4 Compatible
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
v0.8c Compatible
Dark Cloud | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
DDR Supernova | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
DDR Supernova 2 | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 3]
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible: One person says it works
v0.8b Incompatible: One person says it always skips to the title screen when loading a new level.
v0.8c Incompatible: Hangs at the first loading screen on boot
Dino Stalker | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626 | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: D 41–80 of 93
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Dog's Life | America | 1.0 GB | [Mode 1, Mode 2] Some PS2 models incompatible. V7 PS2 confirmed as working
Drakan: The Ancients' Gates | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Dual Hearts | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King [Demo] | America | 1.00 GB | Compatibility Unknown v3.8c Compatible
Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 2 | America | 1.22 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Dance Dance Revolution X | America | 1.31 GB | Compatible
Driven to Destruction | America | 1.8 GB | Incompatible
OPL 0.8 Compatible: It doesn’t work with HDLoader
Duel Masters | America | 1.8 GB | Incompatible
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: [Mode 2]
DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
OPL 0.9.2 Compatibility Unknown: [Mode 4, Mode 5]
Dead to Rights | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Def Jam Vendetta | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Demon Stone | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Digimon World - Data Squad | America | 2.0 GB | Game crashed upon enemy encounter
v0.8 Compatible: Tested on PlayStation 2 Fat 39001, HDD Maxtor VAM51JJ0 20GB
Disney's Treasure Planet | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 2]
Dynasty Warriors 3 | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Disney's Chicken Little | America | 2.00 GB | One report of working fine, one report of failing completely.
Disney Sing It | America | 2.34 GB | Compatible
Dragon Quest V | America | 2.4 GB | Compatible: PAL image converted to NTSC plus the English patch translation, works 100%.
Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World | America | 2.5 GB | Incompatible: Freezes at character select, Options, after the fight with Raditz and everywhere where there are menus.
OPL 1.2 Compatible: Using Open PS2 Loader v1.2.0-Beta-1955-c5a659, works without issues as far as I've tested
Disaster ReportSLUS-20561 | America | 2.7 GB | Works fine up to a point, crashes near the end of the game at the stadium.
v0.8c Compatible
OPL 0.9.3: Has audio glitches with OPL, use HDLoader
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 | America | 2.79 GB | Compatible
v0.7c Compatible
Da Vinci Code | America | 3.0 GB | Incompatible
Dance Dance Revolution - Disney Mix | America | 3.0 GB | Incompatible
Death by Degrees | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Defender | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Devil May Cry 3 | America | 3.0 GB | Two reports of working fine, one report of completely failing regardless of modes.
v0.8c Compatible: It works.
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi | America | 3.0 GB | Incompatible
v0.8c: occasionally freezes, playable for hours without issues if it doesn’t freeze within the first couple of minutes
Driv3r | America | 3.0 GB | Works fine with report of CG scene troubles during 'Miami - Contacts' & 'Miami - The good guys'
DT Racer | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Dynasty Warriors 4 | America | 3.0 GB | Works fine with some reports of controller lock-ups
Dawn of Mana | America | 3.27 GB | Compatible
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 | America | 3.64 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Dog Island, The | America | 3.84 GB | Compatible
Dark Cloud 2 | America | 4.0 GB | One report of working fine, one report of locking up when attempting to upgrade weapons.
v0.8b Compatible
Darkwatch | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: DMA M0 required
Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Def Jam: Fight for NY | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Destroy All Humans | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3] If Mode 3 is not enabled, the game will freeze in later missions
PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: D 81–93 of 93
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Devil May Cry | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Devil May Cry 2 (Disc 1) | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Devil May Cry 2 (Disc 2) | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, The | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Dragon Ball Z: Sagas | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Drakengard | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Drakengard 2 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Dynasty Warriors 5 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Destroy All Humans 2 | America | 4.19 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3] Can be shrunk down to 2.17GB
Devil Kings | America | 4.35 GB | Compatible
v0.8c Compatible
Dynasty Warriors 6 | America | 7.15 GB | DVD9, must install from PC
v0.8c Compatible
OPL 0.8 Compatible: [Mode 5]