PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: G 1–40 of 86
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Gadget Racers | America | Compatible
Gallop Racer 2003 | America | Compatible
Gallop Racer 2004 | America | Audio problems
Getaway, The | America | Compatibility Unknown: One person says it works, one person says it doesn’t regardless of what HD Loader version is used.
v3.8c Incompatible: The NTSC U\C version freezes seconds after loading a level, does not matter what HD loader version used it still freezes in gameplay. Maybe the PAL or JAP versions runs better for modern SATA hard drives?
OPL Compatible: Use the latest freemcboot/OPL version to avoid random freezing. No need to configure anything in the OPL menu. If using an SSD, if game freezes again just delete the game and burn the game back to the SSD.
Getaway: Black Monday, The | America | Compatibility Unknown OPL 0.9 Compatible: tested on OPL 0.94
Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: [Mode 2]
Gitaroo Man | America | [Mode 3] Mode 3 reportedly fixes save problems
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 4]
Godzilla: Unleashed | America | Incompatible
v0.8b+ Incompatible
v0.8c Compatible
Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Geneva | America | Incompatible
Gretzky NHL 2005 | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
GTC Africa | America | Compatible
Guitar Hero 80's | America | Compatible
Guitar Hero II | America | Compatible
Guitar Hero Smash Hits | America | Compatibility Unknown v0.8b Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 2] Only tested first stage, but seems to work fine.
Gundam Musou 2 | America | Incompatible: Incompatible: Black screen, doesn’t load, same as Gundam Musou 1.
Guy Game, The | America | Dual-layer disc, will only install first layer unless PC installed (one report of working fine from PS2 install, but I don’t understand how that could be)
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy | America | 0.34 GB | Compatible
Gradius 3 & 4 (CD) | America | 0.429 GB | Does not install (Fatal error at 22%], must install from PC
Godai: Elemental Force | America | 0.509 GB | Compatible
Gradius V | America | 0.512 GB | Incompatible on some PS2 models
Gun Griffon Blaze | America | 0.512 GB | Compatible
GrooveRider | America | 0.6 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Incompatible: Black screen of the death in all modes with PS2 V9
Guilty Gear X | America | 0.609 GB | Incompatible: doesn’t work on any modes, Black screen of death
v0.8b Compatible
Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle (CD) | America | 0.64 GB | Compatible
Growlanser Generations (Disc 1) | America | 0.64 GB | Compatible: [Mode 2] Mode 2 required, otherwise freezes when trying to save
Growlanser Generations (Disc 2) | America | 0.64 GB | Compatible: [Mode 2] Mode 2 required, otherwise freezes when trying to save
Giants: Citizen Kabuto | America | 0.768 GB | Compatible
Ghost Recon | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Goblin Commander: Unleash The Horde | America | 1.0 GB | Incompatible: Black screen of death
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: Works without issues
God Of War 2 Demo | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Grandia 2 | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: Need to set DMA Mode to "UDMA 3" to make it past black screen
Grimgrimoire | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Guilty Gear XX | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Gungrave | America | 1.0 GB | Audio problems (static) under all compatibility modes during cutescenes
George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret | America | 1.16 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8b Compatible
Guitar Hero Rocks the 80's Encore | America | 1.77 GB | Compatible: Works, but you can’t plug in the guitar controller until the game has booted.
Get On Da Mic | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Ghosthunter | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Gladius | America | 2.0 GB | Mixed reports: Sometimes does not let you exit save screen. Others say it works just fine.
v0.8b: [Mode 3] Game works fine, but it freezes when summoning the earth affinity god, eventually in the story you’ll have to face it, so it freezes there, cannot be completed.
Graffiti Kingdom | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: G 41–86 of 86
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Grandia Xtreme | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Gun | America | 2.0 GB | Game freezes during the TNT mission at the train tracks, plus constant freezing throughout game in many different areas. Also, 2-player mode always freezes.
Guitar Hero | America | 2.142 GB | Compatible
Go, Diego, Go! Safari RescueSLUS-21718 | America | 2.24 GB | Compatible
Ghost Rider | America | 2.45 GB | Compatible
Ghostbusters - The Video Game | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent | America | 3.0 GB | Incompatible: [Mode 3] Freezes at main loading screen (can be patched).
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec | America | 3.0 GB | Incompatible
v0.8b+ Compatible
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories | America | 3.0 GB | Conflicting reports. Two people say it works fine (one on a PS2 v9). Another says the game installs and starts but will not go to the load screen.
v0.8b+ Compatible: [Mode 8] One report of working using Mode 8
v0.8c Compatible: Haven’t gotten far in the game, but all starting movies work, game plays normally so far. No modes needed. Transferred from WinHIIP.
v3.8c Compatible: Played through the entire game 100% with no problems.
Great Escape, The | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Guilty Gear Isuka | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Guilty Gear X2 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Gungrave Overdose | America | 3.0 GB | (Mode: 3], new game does not work, must continue a game saved while playing from disc. Some slowdown in cutscenes.
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: Using OPL 0.9.3 the game works just fine. Installed over ethernet using hdld_svr 0.9.0
Gladiator Sword of Vengeance | America | 3.5 GB | Compatible
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus | America | 3.5 GB | Compatible
HD Advance 3.0 Compatible
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories | America | 3.58 GB | Incompatible: Stops after intro, black screen
v0.8b Compatible
v0.8b+ Incompatible
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 3, Mode 6]
God Hand | America | 3.8 GB | One report of failing to save and corrupting other saves on the memory card.
Guilty Gear: Accent Core | America | 3.8 GB | Compatibility Unknown
v0.8b+ Compatible
Growlanser: Heritage of War | America | 3.81 GB | Compatibility Unknown
v0.8b+ Compatible
Galerians | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Galerians Ash | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Genji | America | 4.0 GB | Incompatible: Goes to a black screen after the opening cinema.
v0.8b Compatible: [Mode 3]
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Ghost Recon 2 | America | 4.0 GB | Incompatible
v0.8c Compatibility Unknown: One person says it works, one person says it does not.
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter | America | 4.0 GB | Incompatible
v0.8c Incompatible
OPL 0.9.2 Compatible: [Mode 1]
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: [Mode 2] Needs mode 2. Intro video and language select loop without it.
Godfather, The | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Godzilla: Save the Earth | America | 4.0 GB | [Mode 3] Conflicting reports, 1 person says it fails, another says it works with mode 3.
Grand Theft Auto 3 | America | 4.0 GB | Plays fine, but a new save may get corrupted. To prevent this, first save your game using the disc.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Grandia III Disc 1 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Grandia III Disc 2 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, The | America | 4.0 GB | Compatibility Unknown
v0.8b Compatible
Guitar Hero III | America | 4.03 GB | [Mode 1] Reported to occasionally freeze at cutscenes (skip them to prevent freezing). Also, co-op career mode is said to freeze.
v0.8b Compatible
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra | America | 4.14 GB | Compatible: Runs smooth, also has co-op.
G Force | America | 4.2 GB | Compatible
v0.8b+ Compatible
Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows | America | 4.3 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball MAX'D | America | 4.35 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.3c Compatible: [Mode 3] (installed from PC with WinHIIP)
Guitar Hero Aerosmith | America | 4.36 GB | [Mode 1] Some reports of occasionally freezing at cutscenes (skip them to prevent freezing). Also, co-op career mode is said to freeze, and one person reports that saving can take 2-4 minutes after unlocking stages. Another person reports that it does not work at all.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | America | 4.48 GB | Works fine on v9 PS2s, some other models report memory card problems. The memory card loading problem is caused when the game tries to load the disc save from the memory card. This save is not compatible with HD loader causing the game not to load. Only saves made from the HDD loaded version of the game will load.
v0.8b Compatible
Guitar Hero 5 | America | 4.5 GB | Compatible: slow save times but no other known problems
HDAdvance: Tried to copy the game 4 times, and though no errors were reported, when attempting to play the game there are several songs that launch and I hear the crowd sounds and my mistakes but the actual notes that I play are never heard.
Gran Turismo 4 | America | 6.0 GB | Dual-layer disc, will only install first layer unless PC installed. If you shrink the game to fit on a single layer disc, some minor issues occur, such as short-term distortion (usually before the race starts) and decreased visual presentation of the game.
v0.8 Compatible
Guitar Hero: World Tour | America | 7.0 GB | Compatible: (Mode: 1], or it may freeze when loading some songs
God Of WarSCUS-97399 | America | 7.93 GB | Incompatible
v0.7c Compatible: Can be shrunk to 3.96GB if desired.
v0.8b+ Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 3, Mode 7] Install via PC using WinHIIP
God Of War IISCUS-97481 | America | 7.94 GB | Incompatible
v0.8b Incompatible
v0.8b+ Compatible
v0.8c Compatible
v3.8c Compatible
Guitar Hero Metallica | America | 7.95 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8b Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 3] (may work with no modes activated)
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 3] (may work with no modes activated)
Guitar Hero Van Halen | America | 8.00 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c: [Mode 4] Freezes every once in a while when loading some songs.