PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: N 1–40 of 94
Size |
Naruto Clash of the Ninja 2 | America | Compatible
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja | America | Compatible
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 | America | Compatible
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 5 | America | Compatible
v0.8c Compatible: Works good.
NASCAR Thunder 2004 | America | Compatible
NBA 07 The Life | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA 2K2 | America | Tried compatibility mode 3, hangs at startup. Tried mode 6 as well, continues to hang at startup
NBA 2K8 | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA Ballers | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA Live 2006 | America | Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 3]
NCAA Football 07 | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NCAA Football 08 | America | Sometimes freezes when saving Dynasty
NCAA Football 2004 | America | Compatible
NCAA Football 2005 | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NFL Street | America | Compatible
NHL 06 | America | (Mode: 3], but impossible to play at NHL 94
NHL 2001 | America | Compatible
NHL 2K9 | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge | America | Compatibility Unknown v0.8b Compatible
Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge, The | America | Compatibility Unknown
v0.8b Compatible
Nightmare of Druaga: Fushigino Dungeon, The | America | Compatible
Namco Museum | America | 0.128 GB | Incompatible: Hangs at 'LOADING'
v3.8c Compatible
Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary | America | 0.25 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Incompatible: Never starts, black screen.
v3.8c Compatible
NASCAR 2001 | America | 0.256 GB | Compatible
NASCAR Thunder 2002 | America | 0.46 GB | Compatible
NBA Street | America | 0.478 GB | Compatible
Incompatible: Hangs on loading screen (installed from PC)
NHL Hitz 2002 | America | 0.625 GB | Compatible
NHL 2002 | America | 0.64 GB | Compatible
Ninja Assault | America | 0.64 GB | Compatible
NCAA Football 2002 | America | 0.65 GB | Incompatible: Black screen of death
NARC | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Naval Ops: Warship Gunner | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Neo Contra | America | 1.0 GB | Incompatible
v0.8c Compatible
Network Adapter Startup Disc | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Nicktoons: Unite! | America | 1.0 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Compatible: seems to work just fine
Nicktoons: Attack on Volcano Island | America | 1.00 GB | Compatible
Naruto: Uzamaki Chronicles | America | 1.2 GB | Compatible
Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles 2 | America | 1.20 GB | Compatibility Unknown
v0.8b Compatible
NASCAR 08 | America | 1.5 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum | America | 1.85 GB | Compatibility Unknown
v3.8c Incompatible: Game loads fine but freezes once you press start.
PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: N 41–80 of 94
Size |
NASCAR 07 | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Naval Ops: Commander | America | 2.0 GB | Incompatible
NBA 2K3 | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
NBA Jam | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
NBA Live 2005 | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NCAA March Madness 2005 | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Need For Speed: Underground 2 | America | 2.0 GB | [Mode 3] Reported Burnout 3 demo not playing
NHL Hitz Pro | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NHL Hitz Pro 2004 | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Nicktoons: Movin' | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Nobunaga's Ambition: Iron Triangle | America | 2.0 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 8]
Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power | America | 2.0 GB | Incompatible
HDAdvance Incompatible
v0.8b Compatible
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 8]
NCAA Football 2011 | America | 2.20 GB | Compatible
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA Ballers: Phenom | America | 2.38 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Incompatible: Stuck at boot screen
OPL 0.9.2 Compatible
Need For Speed: Underground | America | 2.53 GB | Compatible
NBA 2K10 | America | 2.97 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 3]
NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Nascar 2006: Total Team Control | America | 3.0 GB | [Mode 3] One report of failure, one report of working with mode 3.
NBA 2K11 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA 2K6 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA 2K9 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA Live 2004 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
NBA Street volume 2 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
NCAA Football 06 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Need For Speed: Pro Street | America | 3.0 GB | [Mode 3] Might hang a couple times at first load screen; just restart. One report of a black screen, though unsure if this is the same as the mentioned hanging at the first load screen.
NFL Blitz: Pro | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NHL 2003 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Nightshade | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
NHL 07 | America | 3.00 GB | Compatible
NHL 2K10 | America | 3.3 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA 2K7 | America | 3.33 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Need For Speed Carbon Collector's Edition | America | 3.44 GB | Incompatible
OPL 0.9.3 Incompatible: It does not load using OPL nor HD Loader. ISO image file installed from PC via WinHIIP.
Need for Speed CarbonSLUS-21493 | America | 3.44 GB | Two people say it works fine, one says there is occasional freezing during in-game loading (so save often)
Need For Speed: Undercover | America | 3.44 GB | Compatible
Nanobreaker | America | 3.52 GB | Random crashes in the game.
Need For Speed: Most Wanted | America | 3.6 GB | One person says it works, one person says it has problems: "The SLUS_213.51 has been Incompatible for me, crashing on New Career; to fix I used the disc to create a first save then used HDLoader."
v0.8c Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3]
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4 | America | 3.81 GB | Compatible
v0.8c Compatible: Works 100% Played it, love it...
v3.8c Compatible
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2 | America | 3.84 GB | Compatible
PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: N 81–94 of 94
Size |
NBA LIVE 2007 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NBA Live 2009 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
NBA Street Vol. 3 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NFL Street 2 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NFL Street 3 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NHL 08 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NHL 09 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NHL 2004 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
NHL 2005 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NHL 2K8 | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NASCAR 09 | America | 4.02 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3] Shrinkable to 0.97 GB (PAD.PAD dummy file)
NPPL Championship PaintBall 2009 | America | 4.14 GB | Compatibility Unknown
Compatible: Installed with WinHIIP Buzzes before you get to the start menu but works perfect after.
NBA Live 2008 | America | 4.38 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
NCAA Basketball 2009 | America | 4.4 GB | Compatible