PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: V 1–11 of 11
Size |
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria | America | Game plays fine until the first battle, where it freezes. This can be prevented by plugging in a non-DualShock 2 controller before the game starts, then switching back when prompted by the game.
Vampire Night | America | Compatible
Van Helsing | America | Compatible: [Mode 1]
Viewtiful Joe | America | Incompatible: Freezes before start menu
Virtua Fighter 4 | America | Compatible
Vietcong: Purple Haze | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Viewtiful Joe 2 | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Virtua Quest | America | 2.00 GB | Incompatible: Black Screen of Death
Vexx | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
V-rally 3 | America | 3.01 GB | Compatible