News & Updates in October 2007
- Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Added a 2007 Halloween image gallery.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Posted the anime profile of Imma Youjo: The Erotic Temptress - Volume III: Venomous Beauty.
- Monday, October 29, 2007
Posted the anime profiles of Imma Youjo: The Erotic Temptress - Volume II: The Perfect Love Doll, Imma Youjo: The Erotic Temptress - Volume I: The Tower of Lust.
- Sunday, October 28, 2007
Added an image gallery of yours truly and an image gallery of my lovely wife, Latrice.
I haven't done a whole lot of updating with the website this month, but I've got a good excuse... vacation! Yep, my wife and I went with my parents to Kauaii, Hawaii. Although we were on vacation for almost two weeks, only about 7 days of that were in Hawaii. We drove down to my parents on the 7th, then spent most of the next day just getting to the island. From the 9th to the 15th we enjoyed what the island had to offer, and then headed for home on the 16th. Once back in the continental US, we stayed at my parent's house house a couple days, until we finally decided to head for home sweet home on the 18th. And there we just relaxed, leaving the house only to do some much needed grocery shopping, until Monday finally rolled around on the 22nd.
Ah, but that's not the only thing that kept me busy this month! On Wednesday, Victor and I headed down to San Francisco for a little party being held that evening. We left pretty early, about 9:15 in the morning, as we had to make a detour around Sacramento to drop off a few pinball machines, and then we wanted to arrive at The City by the Bay before 3:00 so we could catch A Nightmare Before Christmas in Disney Digital 3D. Unfortunately, dropping off the pinball machines took longer than expected, so we missed it by about 30-45 minutes.
Then on Friday, I went through all 787 photographs that we took in Hawaii and posted a select 28 of them in our 2007 Hawaiian vacation Image Gallery. I did the same with the trip to San Francisco, though I had significantly fewer photos to work through for that 2007 Day Trip to San Francisco Image Gallery. Also on Friday, I did a deep cleaning in the living room, including getting all the dust off the ceiling fan and off of the action figures on the mantel place. So that chewed up pretty much all day. And today I added an image gallery of yours truly and an image gallery of my lovely wife, Latrice.
So here we are now, three days until Halloween, which also happens to by our 6th wedding anniversary. According to Wikipedia, a traditional gift to give for a 6th wedding anniversary in America is Iron... which I guess could be cool if it was... uh... what's iron used for again? Wikipedia also states that a modern 6th wedding anniversary gift is wood. And who doesn't love some wood. I can't tell you how often I used to beg my parents to buy me a piece of wood when they went shopping. In Britain, it's apparently more traditional to give sugar, which is a gift I can get behind, at least if it's already made into something delicious, 'cause I love me some sweets but baking them myself is just a drag.
- Friday, October 26, 2007
Added an image gallery of our Hawaiian vacation, and an image gallery of my trip down to San Francisco.
- Thursday, October 25, 2007
Posted my review of Casshern. Posted my review of The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Volume One.
- Friday, October 5, 2007
Posted my review of Transformers (Two-Disc Special Edition). Posted the anime profile Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation.
- Wednesday, October 3, 2007
- Tuesday, October 2, 2007