News & Updates in September 2019
- Monday, September 30, 2019
Posted the character profile of Izuku Midoriya (from My Hero Academia).
- Saturday, September 28, 2019
Added sexually explicit images to the Slaves to Passion hentai anime profile and added more images to the Slaves to Passion Image Gallery. Tweaked the appearance of some page previews so they look better.
- Friday, September 27, 2019
Added sexually explicit images to the Stainless Night hentai anime profile and added a Stainless Night Image Gallery. Deleted all users from the forum who never activated their accounts. Paid for a three year CleanTalk license since that seems to be the primary phpBB extension stopping the flood of spam posts and registrations.
- Thursday, September 26, 2019
Added sexually explicit images to the Twin Dolls hentai anime profile so the adult content warning would kick in, and updated some of the information. Added a Twin Dolls Image Gallery. Got the comments section working again. Sorry that I didn't realize earlier that they had stopped showing up.
- Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Posted the character profile of Tomoyo Sakagami (from Clannad).
- Tuesday, September 24, 2019
- Monday, September 23, 2019
Added sexually explicit images to the F³: Frantic, Frustrated, Female hentai anime profile so the adult content warning would kick in. Updated the phpBB forum software and deleted a bunch of forum users who registered but never activated their accounts. They were all obviously spammers. These past few weeks I've deleted several spam topics that were in the queue waiting to be approved and banned those users' email address so they couldn't register again using the same email. It wasn't a lot of posts, but doing this every few days for weeks was a little annoying so not too long ago I installed some additional anti-spam extensions to the forum which seem to be helping. I haven't noticed any new spam registrations or posts since installing them. I actually haven't noticed any new registrations at all, but the forums have been mostly dead for a while now so I don't expect to see many legitimate registrations.
- Saturday, September 21, 2019
Added sexually explicit images to the Younger Sister Juice hentai anime profile so the adult content warning would kick in.
- Friday, September 20, 2019
Slightly changed the appearance of the search field in the page header. I moved the search button into the white area to make it look like all one field and fixed the messed up appearance once typing had begun so the height shouldn't increase and it shouldn't drop down to the next line anymore. I also increased the page preview timeout from five seconds to 60 seconds. On the mobile version of the site, I fixed the slight fade that occurred when touching the menu buttons. For page previews, I now check if the mouse cursor is still over the link once the AJAX call has been completed to make sure the preview should still be displayed. This should prevent (or significantly reduce) page preview popup bubbles from showing up when the mouse cursor is no longer hovering over the link.
- Thursday, September 19, 2019
Implemented page previews for the Anime News page. Fixed the RTA meta tag that was supposed to show up pages with seriously adult content.
- Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Made the tooltip popups on information bubbles disappear sooner after the mouse is moved away from the icon except when the tooltip text contains a link that can be clicked on. Implemented page previews for all the News & Updates pages.
- Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Implemented page previews for articles. Adjusted the page preview popups to follow the mouse cursor. Updated the community menu dropdown links to remove an outdated link and add links to many of the restored forums.
- Monday, September 16, 2019
Implemented page previews. When hovering over an internal link a little page preview will display in a qTip2 tooltip. This is replacing the image preview that used to show when hovering over those same links. I also made it so that when an anime profile page has an associated image gallery page, the image gallery will now be automatically inserted at the bottom of the profile page for convenient viewing.
- Sunday, September 15, 2019
Posted the article It's not all Pokémon GO.
- Friday, September 13, 2019
Added yet another seven animated hardcore hentai images to the anime profile Stepmother's Sin and the two character profiles Yusuke's Mother and Mysterious Gentleman. Enhanced the functionality of the Adult Content Verification/Revocation form so that it will also hide/show the adult content links in the file explorer sidebar. Previously, to reveal those links you would have needed to click on the link text labeled "hidden" and go though yet another verification, and then there was no way to re-hide them without reloading the page. I also started using a new jQuery tooltip plugin called qTip2. This is replacing my custom JavaScript tooltip popup bubble code is used when hovering over an information icon.
- Thursday, September 12, 2019
Added watermarks to images. I made the watermark small and fairly transparent as I don't want it to be very noticeable. Fixed a problem where pages with profiles that had ampersands in the path name wouldn't show, such as T&A Teacher. Automatically added titles to images in galleries when they are not already explicitly set.
- Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Added yet another three animated hardcore hentai images to the anime profile Stepmother's Sin and the two character profiles Yusuke's Mother and Mysterious Gentleman. Two of the animated images are just shorter clips from one of the animated images posted yesterday, as it was over 9MB in size which I feel is a bit big. Posted the article The Marketing Power of Anime.
- Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Added images containing nudity to the anime profile of The Black Mail II so the adult content warning would kick in. Added three animated images to the anime profile Stepmother's Sin and two of the character profiles, Yusuke's Mother and Mysterious Gentleman. I know it seems like I'm perving on Stepmother's Sin but the images are from a user who requested that I post them, as were the ones in the last update. When clicking on an adult content image, the obscured thumbnail will be displayed instead of the generic Adult Content Hidden image that used to display. Posted the article The Best Anime to Watch with Your Loved One.
- Sunday, September 8, 2019
Created a Full Site Map which lists just about every page on this site, as apposed to the Site Map page which lists some basic pages but not every anime and character profile. Added a title attribute to most of the folders and web page link in file list side bar. Added additional images to the character profile of Yusuke's Mother (from Stepmother's Sin).
- Friday, September 6, 2019
Posted the article Design and branding in social networks.
- Thursday, September 5, 2019
Posted the article A Look At The Best Manga-Inspired Online And Video Games.