Animal Crossing: City Folk

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Animal Crossing: City Folk

Post by Tyche »

It's pretty decent, but I'm looking for some people to play with. :? I wish the city itself was larger and online, so you could talk and hang out with random people. :( Aw well. I saw Ed the gay horse, so it's cool. 8)

Anyway, my friend code is 0903-6418-5250. 8)
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Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk

Post by Dreams »

I don't have the money for a Wiivolution.
And all I want is the new NiGHTS game, and the new Animal Crossing game!

Did you play the first one on the Gamecube? What are the differences between the two games? I mean, does this one blow the other one out of the water, or is it just another chapter in the AC world?
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Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk

Post by Tyche »

Yes, I have. I'm undecided about which one I like better still, though I already like it more than Wild World.

Have you played Wild World? The map has the same layout (takes out the acres, and replaces the flat world for a rounded one).

You get to pick houses from different places on the map (mine's near the ocean, and my boyfriend lives near a river).

You don't get quite as much interaction with your neighbors (they'll ask you to do tasks randomly when you talk to them, instead of giving you options). You also have the opportunity to play hide-and-seek with them (which is sorta entertaining). I'm not TTing at the moment, so I don't know about whether they'll have winter games or igloos. (They didn't have igloos in Wild World, which was dissapointing.)

Also, you have the ability to edit designs anywhere, but you have to pay the Able Sisters 350 bells to make a Pro Design (in which you get to design the front, back, and sleeves of a shirt. It's cool. I'm having fun with that. 8) )

The city is ok, for about maybe a day.
*Gracie'sGrace appearently doesn't get new shipments everyday - or even every month. You have to wait a season for new items there. And it's extremely expensive.
*Kicks is a skunk that witll change your shoe color once a day to match either your hair or hat. (he keeps making my shoes red when I ask him to match with my outfit)
*The HRA is there. I've yet to find any good purpose with it.
*The Auction House... same. :| I know it's suppost to do something, but it hasn't yet.
*Shampoodle allows you to change your hair without fully expanding Nook's Store. :|
*And the Marcee let's you get emotions, but I think mine is broken since it's suppost to change shows weekly, and it hasn't.
*I've never gotten into Redd's Store. :x You need an invitation, and no one's giving it to me.

Other than that, I've noticed that you can have K.K. Slider play multiple times in one night, and you get a random amount of fossils a day, instead of the pre-set 3 in the first one. :|

I hope this is useful. <.< You could look stuff up for things I don't know. :(
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Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk

Post by Dreams »

I never got to play Wild World, as I'm too poor to own a DS too. So this sounds great. :)

Do you only need to get that voice addon thingy if you're going to play online with others?
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Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk

Post by Tyche »

You don't need to get it at all if you don't want to. There's a "keyboard" if you want to just "type".
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Re: Animal Crossing: City Folk

Post by DangerZone »

My girlfriend loves Wild Worlds. She plays it on her DS all the time. We got a wii a few weeks ago. I just ordered her City Folk from The marketing company I work for is doing a promotion for Shop Wiki. It's a great search resource for affordable video games.