PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: A 1–40 of 72
Game Title |
Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War | America | 4.0 GB | Crashes at level 20 on some PS2 models
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War | America | Compatible
Ace Combat Zero | America | Compatible
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War | America | 4.1 GB | Compatibility Unknown OPL 0.9.3 Compatible
Activision Anthology | America | Compatible
Adventures of Cookie and Cream, The | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Adventures of Darwin, The | America | 0.08 GB | Compatible
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Attack of the Twonkies, The | America | Compatible: [Mode 2, Mode 3, Mode 6]
OPL 1.0 Compatible: [Mode 2, Mode 3, Mode 6]
Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Jet Fusion, The | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Aeon Flux | America | 0.002 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings | America | 0.625 GB | Compatible: Work Fine
v0.8c: hangs on now loading screen after asking for auto save
Aggressive Inline | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
AirBlade | America | 1.53 GB | Compatible
Airborne Troops - Countdown to D-Day | America | 0.4 GB | Compatibility Unknown OPL 0.9.3 Compatible
AirForce Delta Strike | America | 1.0 GB | Incompatible
Alarm for Cobra 11: Hot Pursuit | America | 1.0 GB | Incompatible: Does not install (fatal error)
Alias | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Alien Hominid | America | 1.0 GB | Incompatible: Game hangs upon starting
Alien Vs Predator: Extinction | America | Compatible
All Star Baseball 2005 | America | [Mode 3] Reported audio problems
All-Star Baseball | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Alone In The Dark | America | 3.21 GB | Two reports of working fine, one report of not booting
Altered Beast | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
American Chopper | America | [Mode 2, Mode 3] Frequent FMV crashes
Amplitude | America | 2.3 GB | Incompatible
v0.7c Compatible
v0.8b Compatible
Ant Bully | America | 1.3 GB | Incompatible: Freezes at Loading Screen
Ape Escape 2 | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Ape Escape 3 | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: [Mode 3]
Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed | America | 3.4 GB | Incompatible
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible
Aqua Aqua | America | 0.64 GB | Compatible
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Zombie Ninja Pro-Am | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Ar Tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica | America | 4.22 GB | Compatible
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia | America | 2.92 GB | Compatibility Unknown: One report of working, one report of a black screen.
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits | America | 3.31 GB | One report of working, one report of black screen when booting
v0.8c Compatible
Arcana Heart | America | 2.048 GB | Compatibility Unknown
v0.8b Compatible: [Mode 1, Mode 3, Mode 6]
v0.8c Compatible
v3.8c Compatible
Arctic Thunder | America | 6.22 GB | Incompatible: Works if you modify the ISO. Open the ISOo file (I use UltraISO) and navigate to /DISK/MOVIES. Replacing the 4 files CLOSE.PSS, INLAND.PSS, INTRO.PSS, and SAMPLE.PSS with empty (0 byte) dummy files seems to make the game run. You might even be able to delete them entirely, but I'm not sure. This method works because the movies cause the game to freeze.
Area 51 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Arena Football: Road to Glory | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
PS2 HD Loader Game Compatibility List: A 41–72 of 72
Game Title |
Armored Core 2 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Armored Core 2: Another Age | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Armored Core 3 | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Armored Core 3: Silent Line | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Armored Core: Last Raven | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
v0.8c Compatible
Armored Core: Nexus (Evolution) | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Armored Core: Nexus (Revolution) | America | 4.0 GB | Compatible
Armored Core: Nine Breaker | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
v3.8c Compatible
Army Men: Air Attack 2 | America | 0.675 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.7c Compatible
Army Men: Green Rogue | America | 0.531 GB | Incompatible: Pink Screen of death on every combination of modes
Army Men: RTS | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
OPL 0.9.3 Compatibility Unknown: [Mode 5] Need Mode 5 to load main menu, need DMA set to UDMA 3 to prevent freezing on load level.
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 | America | 1.1 GB | Incompatible: Mode 5 is required or else the game won’t get to the main menu
OPL 0.9.3 Compatible: [Mode 5] Mode 5 is required to load main menu.
Art of fighting Anthology | America | 1.45 GB | Compatibility Unknown v0.8c Compatible
OPL 0.9.2 Compatible
Arthur & the Invisibles | America | 3.61 GB | Compatible
Asterix & Obelix: Kick Buttix | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Astro Boy | America | Compatible
Astro Boy: The Video Game | America | 2.0 GB | Compatible
Atari Anthology | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible
Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm | America | 2.06 GB | Compatible
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana | America | 2.0 GB | Minor voice-over problems, but doesn’t affect gameplay. Hangs when transitioning to the final credits (cannot make game-clear save).
OPL 0.9.2 Compatible: Delay of 43 to 50 for Callback Timer
Athens 2004 | America | Compatible
ATV Offroad Fury | America | Compatible
ATV Offroad Fury 2 | America | Compatible: [Mode 1]
HDA 1.0 Compatible: [Mode 1]
ATV Offroad Fury 2 [Demo] | America | 0.282 GB | Incompatible: Will not install over FTP or from disc.
ATV Offroad Fury 3 | America | Compatible: [Mode 3]
ATV Offroad Fury 3 [Demo] | America | 1.2 GB | Compatible: No modes needed.
ATV Offroad Fury 4 | America | 3.0 GB | Compatible: [Mode 3]
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 | America | Incompatible
Auto Modellista | America | 1.0 GB | Compatible
Avatar: Burning Earth | America | 1.0 GB | Game locks up while saving.
Avatar: The Last Airbender | America | 1.0 GB | Game takes forever when saving to a memory card.